Thursday, January 31, 2013

And the Fun has Begun! (Lettermo)

It's the first of February, which means I can get my month of writing letters underway! I was a bit worried I might not be able to do this, but as the rules say, I can actually write a bunch at the one time rather than doing one every day. 
So for example, on the weekend you might write up several letters and get them posted instead of doing one on Monday, one on Tuesday etc.

And so with that in mind, I send off my first handful tomorrow!

Ready to Post

I've printed up some little notes to go inside some of the envelopes too...

A little info about Lettermo

And here is one going off to Anni Sirkkala...with a little treat inside!

Ovaltines on their way to Anni

I'm fairly sure that Ovaltine's are Australian. So those in other countries won't have tried them before.  I'll probably send off a little treat or item of some description in each letter. Just to make it a little more exciting.  I've also put inside all my contact details, just in case they want to write back ;)

Happy writing!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

LetterMo - Gearing Up

I must admit that I have been 'putting off' writing some letters until we tip across into February so they can be a part of LetterMo. Is that terrible?!!

So last week was a fairly boring letter week for me. Instead of prepared some awesome envelopes to use and got some writing paper together along with some new coloured pens (what an excuse to buy more pens that I totally don't need!)

My drawer of pens. More inside the pencils cases.

Must must must buy some more stamps

Running out!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Washi Tape on Gifts

I saw this done on a photo a while back and since I have a couple of birthdays coming up, wanted to do the same on mine!  Using washi tape instead of ribbon, you make the gift look like a tradition wrapped present. Very cute!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lions and a Mystery Envelope

Happy Mail going out today for Sara in WA!
I hope she likes the envelope I made from Animalia, the Childrens Book...

From Blog Photos

Today I got this in the mailbox.
This is actually a letter I posted to a penpal Stephanie a few days ago.
I was amazed that I had forgotten to put her address on the front, yet remembered to put mine on the back when in the sunlight, I caught sight of what lookedl ike invisible writing on the envelope....her address!
Walking back into the house, I was mystified and wondered what pen I had used. Then recalled I had purchased an ERASABLE PEN the other day.  I had used that to write her address, and the friction of the envelope against others in the mailbox must have rubbed it all off.
I just hope I hadn't sent anything else out with that pen on it.

So Stephanie, I'll send you this inside another envelope so you can have a laugh.

The mystery envelope
From Blog Photos


Doing this because another blogger did. I suppose there isn't that much variation in what I've had but still. Help?  I've been growing my hair for about a year. It takes FOREVER.   When I have it long, i juts put it up in a ponytail (as below). I don't really DO anything with it, let alone bloody brush it unless I'm going to straighten it. 
So. Should I keep it longish? Should I grow it longer? Should I chop it shorter? If so, how much?
above the shoulder? Just below the chin? Above the chin?

Note, I HATE having hair on my face. I LIKE the look of a fringe but I can't deal with it.
Ok here we go....

Me always with my hair tied back in a ponytail

So as of today, it's about this long. Perhaps a little longer

Yup. A little longer than this right now.

This is about shoulder length here.

Just above the shoulders I guess. Darker in colour.

And here we are sorta back to being just below the chin.

HEre I am, with it a little short still

And this is me with it the shortest bob I've had

I've had very short hair before. But I'm chubby, so it doesn't look SO GREAT.
Oh, in the last picture, you need to add a few kgs onto what I look like now, keep that in mind when you're telling me which hair length suits me the best.

Comment here, or back on my lj.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Diary Bookmark Dilemma

I really hate those ribbons that are on all dayplanners/diaries that mark the date you are currently on.
They slide out, they arn't long enough or they are so thin that it makes no difference.  And they fray and then they look old and ugly.

So what's a good solution?

You know you have a stack of it in your craft drawer.
So here is how it works;
On all the pages up to the current date, use your washi tape to vertically mark the page.  It should fold over and stick out a little so you can still see the date on your page, and it is easy to thumb open. (And it looks pretty!)

Like this;

Easy to find your place because the washi tape sticks out slightly when closed

Fold the washi tape over so you can still see the date.

So cut out that stupid ribbon, and make your diary interesting!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Awesome Envelopes

Suzanne, this one is coming your way!
  Sending a letter out today to the USA.  Used a page out of the Australian Animal Atlas for the envelope. Hope she likes it!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Lipstick Post

I promised to blog about this lipstick some time ago, and I totally forgot until I was reminded!
So here it is - a before and after photo so you can see the difference a bright bit of lippy makes.

The lipstick is Rimmel, Firecracker (214) and it has pretty good staying power.

Natural...                                           Bright Lippy

So, do you like the colour? Or do you prefer a la natural?

Monday, January 7, 2013

More Happy Mail and some Happy Envelopes too!

Do you remember the book Animalia? Sure you do. It's the one with the awesome pictures in it where you have to find various things.

Well after recieving a letter last week where the envelope was made from a 'Where's Wally' book page, I was inspired to do the same.  I popped into a couple of Op Shops this morning and whilst I couldn't find a Where's Wally book, I did pick up a couple of childrens books with thick pages and lovely pictures including Animalia (for 50c!!)

From Blog Photos

Got home and made up a handful of lovely envelopes, ready for February's Letter a Day Challenge.

I'm undecided if this looks spooky or cool...
From Blog Photos

A couple of smaller envies
From Blog Photos

Imagine getting this in your mailbox? Exciting!
From Blog Photos

After not writing much over Christmas, I also posted off a couple of letters to South Korea, USA & Alaska.

From Blog Photos

From Blog Photos

From Blog Photos

I just wish postage wasn't so expensive!!

#Lettermo = Letter Month

I discovered Lettermo the other day and since, I have been seeing it all over Twitter, Facebook, Swapbot...everywhere.  Basically, it's the challenge to send a letter for every day in February that the post runs.
Cool huh?

The idea is to take the time every day and write a letter or note to someone and post it.
In addition, other people taking part in this challenge are asking for your details so they can send you a letter too.  Want a letter from me in February? Go here and fill in the details.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A New Year

A New Year = a fresh look, right?
So I've mixed things up a bit on my blog with a new background and some new links so make sure to check it out.

This year I'm participating in a book reading challenge to read 50 books.  I've done this in the past but not for a few years, so we'll see how I go.  Since the kind of books I usually read are quite large, 50 will probably be a challenge for me.  I've got a widget set on my blog that you can see how I'm doing as the year progresses.  If you're interested, simply join (for free).

 Also I plan to remain active on Swapbot.  I have a penpal group that runs there with over 70 members as of today. Really is a lot of fun.

Still a member, I've been a bit slack with Christmas and all. Time to pick up the pace!

And of course penpalling...last year saw me fall back into the swing of things and I'm really enjoying it.  The best thing about being an adult and penpalling, is that the conversations are much deeper and interesting, and the information about different countries is wonderful.  Not to mention the occassional exchange of gifts or stationery can be amazing.

Let's not forget Instagram! Loving this creation and will continue to take more and more photos.

Other things this year I intend to continue with are my Smashbooks, my occassional drawing and painting and crafts. I don't know if anyone really reads my posts here but I enjoy making them if for nothing else but to look back on them myself.  Twitter will remain my source of updating, while other things such as Facebook and Livejournal have fallen by the wayside.  It's nice to make a change sometimes ;)

What are you doing this year?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Collaborative Drawing Swap

Ok, here is the end result of my Collaborative Drawing Swap done with four pepole (including myself).  I drew the top quarter. Then the next person would drawn the next quarter, ONLY allowing themselves to see the quarter before that on the page.
(So by the time person number 3 would draw, she would ONLY allow herself to look at the second quarter picture and follow on from that).
It makes for some funny pictures.

Anyway here is mine all finished.
Sorry for the quality, I couldn't seem to get a good photo for some reason.
From Blog Photos
Thanks ladies for joining me!
If you're interested in doing another, contact me here or on swapbot. :)


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year and all that Jazz

You have no idea how pleased I am that all the celebrating is over and done with! I'm exhausted and quite honestly just want the peace and quiet to return!  Not only that, but in all the preparations and goings on for Christmas and New Year, I've fallen behind in my mail and crafty things.

To begin with, I have a pile of mail from penpals that I haven't even opened yet!!!
Plan to do this today!

Happy Mail to be Opened!

We celebrated Christmas of course which was lovely. So many presents, not to mention food. (Let's be honest, who is STILL eating ham sandwiches to use up that hunk of ham you bought?)

Riley and Ella (brothers kids) with stockings my mother made for them.
Much silliness (doesn't the season call for it?)

Hubby and I at home.

We had people staying with us for most of the season.  Poor cat spent most of the time hiding out in the bedroom...

Poor kitty!

Some bargain shopping was done...

Tony Biano purse

And refreshments purchased...

Gloria Jeans Iced Coffee.

And of course, when I could, I stole a few moments to read the second in a trilogy of books that I'm absolutely hooked on.

The Twelve - Justin Cronin

Well. I try not to make them because I never keep them. But I WOULD like to take more photos this year, continue on with my penpals, lose myself in my crafts and read a lot of books.  Mostly though, I'd just like to be healthy and happy.

Happy 2013 - hope it treats you all well.